
their tight pants, bell bottoms, flat shoes, no jewel- ry or make up,-look are wearing just longer, stringier hair than the boys. This probably wont penetrate to the older women because that kind of hair is too diffi- cult to deal with in working lives whether domestic or business, but it still represents a diminution of the fancy feminine hairdos of yore.

So now, what do we have? Women wearing more masc- uline attire, pants, boots, leather coats, natural make- up, etc. And men beginning to take an interest in how their hair looks, how they smell, how their skin appears, more color and design in their clothing and all this without the implication of sissiness. The simpering, effeminate type homosexual with affected clothing, mild eye makeup, too obvious rings and jewelry, smelling of cologne, is being pushed out of the picture with the same clothing, cosmetics, and jewelry gradually becom- ing "de rigeur" among the young executive set. This type of gay person is more and more forced into the "queen" catagory wherein they are resorting to the complete feminine get up in order to be able to appear different. Thus there are now a spate of magazines appearing which serve these tastes. Starting with FEMALE MIMICS, we now have HE-SHE and BOY GIRL and probably others I haven't seen. 98% of the pictures and all the featured stories in these publications, pretty as they may be in full color, nevertheless are of homosexual queens parading for the delectation of the other side of the homosexual world.

While I am in agreement that the freedom I ask for our kind must be extended to all others, it somewhat pains me that many of our members seem to think that these mags are real great and they oh and ah over them. I will grant that the impersonators shown are sometimes very pretty and authentic looking but alas some of the others are rather gruesome. In any case the clothes, poses, facial expressions etc. are so obviously of er- otic intent that they leave me a bit disgusted. Never- theless, they represent one of the lines of development in current society. At the same time that these mags